Collective Poetry Book Haul: Arizona Edition.
Hi everyone, I'm Kristin and I am a bibliophile.
Ok, now that that's out of the way, let's get to the goods.
While in Arizona, I have really gotten back into reading poetry. Luckily for my ever growing addiction, there is a great little book shop that is attached to the local library. The majority of these books have come from there. That shop sells withdrawn library items and accepts / sells donated books and other media. It is this very tiny, almost over packed little shop full of character. I've not had a bad experience with them and I wish I could take them with me to Texas.
We've been in Arizona for about six months and I have done my best to not go every week to ogle books; some months were more successful than others. Luckily the Arizona heat has helped me from going out and hording all the books for myself. I have gotten other types of books, even a few books on CD, but I noticed the majority of my findings have been of the poetry variety.
In the last few month I picked up these poetry books and I couldn't be happier about it.
Tahoma West Issue 6, Spring 2002
University of Washington, Tacoma
University of Washington, Tacoma
Tahoma West, Volume 8, Number 2, 2004
University of Washington, Tacoma
University of Washington, Tacoma
The Mystery of Meteors by Eleanor Lerman
Sarabande Books
Thread by Michael Palmer
New Directions Books
(Read. I'm actually donating it back to the bookstore, as it wasn't my favorite.)
Mystic Fire, The Love Poems of James Kavanaugh
Steven J. Nash Publishing
The Sacred Round, Poems from an Island Garden by Thelma Palmer
Island Publishers
Maybe If I Loved You More by James Kavanaugh
E. P. Dulton, Inc.
Dismantling the Hills by Michael McGriff
University of Pittsburgh Press
(Read: it was absolutely beautiful. I read it in one day, I couldn't put it down. It made me miss the Pacific Northwest so very much while simultaneously giving me a moment of being in the salty air and over crowded forests once again.)
Airleaf Publishing & Book Selling
Selected Poems of Robert Frost
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
The Penguin Book of French Poetry 1820 - 1950 (1992 Printing)
Penguin Classics
Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson (1924 edition)
Random House, The Modern Library
French, German and Italian Poems by Dan Blanchly, Ph. D (1966 edition)
Silver City Enterprise
(Not photographed. I couldn't find this on good reads, however I did find it on amazon. If you're dying for a copy of this book, I assure you, you can find it somewhere on the interwebs.)
Happy creating, and happy reading.
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