Creative Confessions, Part I

Creative Confessions.

Creative confessions is something I'd like to start and do two to three times a year or as needed.  I'd like this space to be used for growth, for honesty, and for moving on in a healthy manner. When I get creative blocks, sometimes it is simply a creative block. Other times, there are other forces and depths at work.

As of late, I have not been painting. At all.

Which is partially heart breaking for me as I had heavily gotten into the habit of it with the 100 Days Project. Even before that, since we moved to Arizona really.  But lately, no painting, none.  I've drawn, I've sketched, I've sewn, sometimes begrudgingly.  But I've done it.  I've also, mostly, abandoned my studio room.

I know creative slumps come and go, but this slump is something new to me. Some days it's much better and I can feel the slump slipping away. Other days it seems I am wallowing in the middle of it with no end in sight. 

I could blame the upcoming move. I could blame the heat. But really it is my battle with anxiety and depression. Which is something I don't like to admit, talk about, or acknowledge. I like to act like it isn't there, which is usually easy as it is invisible.  I'm learning to be able to talk about it, mainly with those close to me.  Being able to lightly talk about it and express things that are otherwise suppressed have helped me deal with these ever present forces. 

That being said, it has been harder to deal with since Bald'r became ill and we had to put him down. My studio reminds me of him so much it's almost unbearable at times for me. I usually can pack up and prep most of the house solo with little help from my husband for many reasons, mainly I have more time for it and he has a very busy schedule. This time, I had him help me prep my studio, and it was very therapeutic and honestly a bonding experience.

This move is coming at a good time. Change is needed. Moving forward is needed. I'm hoping that the new house, new town, new state, will provide healing, growth, and new inspiration.


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