What do you do?

What a loaded question that can be.

Depending on the day and mind set: I’m a painter, a seamstress, a quilter, a poet, a writer, a home maker, a career driven woman, a wife, a cat lady extraordinaire, tea addict, and on and on. My focus is divided some days, but all these things can be true in a delicate overlapping fashion.
The truth is, I don’t mind splitting my focus on these different aspects, rather than focusing solely on one. I have a tiny amount of time on this blue and green marble. It would sadden me and drive me mad to limit myself to not try, experiment, and grow in these directions. 

But didn’t you go to college? For architecture? No, plants.. stuff?

Landscape Architecture actually, but yes. College, and my time there, was great and terrible all rolled into one life changing experience. Do I still want to follow that path? Yes, in the manner of environmental and conservation work. And when I can’t be doing exactly that, I have my other loves that I focus on.

The truth is I do everything and some days it feels like nothing, but that’s when my husband very kindly reminds me that it is not nothing. And that it does matter, even if I did a little and not a lot that day. I’m allowed to have good days and terrible days; something I wish I would have come to realize at an earlier age. Sometimes we must stop and breathe in order to be able to move forward again.

Moving forward in art and creating as life takes me in unimagined ways is my general plan, as I find out time and time again, that I do not have the final say in a lot of things. Art and creating help me with this lack of control in small doses. It allows me to be expressive in ways that are as changeable as the medium I use that day.

So what do I do?

I create; expressing myself, my life, and what I see through various mediums.

To those of you fellow creators, scribblers, painters, stitchers, and word gatherers, I say this: Don't stop creating or trying - it's good for your soul. Enjoy the moments of uncertainty and success in your current project, it's part of the journey.  I experience them often, it's part of the process, part of the constant flux and beauty of creating. 


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