Christmas Gift Ideas: Bookish Edition

Christmas Gift Ideas: Bookish Edition

As Christmas is just around the corner again, I'd like to share with you some of my favorite books to give as gifts.  I've given these little treasures out many times and they're great options when you want to give something unique that pretty much anyone would love.  I've linked each book to so that you can read more about them there.

Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words from Around the World by Ella Frances Sanders

The Illustrated Book of Sayings: Curious Expressions from Around the World by Ella Frances Sanders

Turn Around and Run Like Hell: Amazing Stories of Unconventional Military Strategies That Worked by Josheph Cummins

The Phantom Atlas: The Greatest Myths, Lies and Blunders on Maps by Edward Brooke-Hitching

An Atlas of Countries that Don't Exist: A Compendium of Fifty Unrecognized and Largely Unnoticed States by Nick Middleton

Weird Things Customers Say in Book Shops by Jen Campbell

More Weird Things Customers Say in Book Shops by Jen Campbell

Other great book ideas are classics like Frankenstein, Jane Austin, The Hobbit, 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and so on.

Happy creating, and happy reading!

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