Non Fiction November - 2017

Non Fiction November - 2017

For Non Fiction November this year, I've decided to do it a bit differently.  I'm hoping to read at least two books, as this month is proving to be rather busy and crazy.  However, I'd like to talk about more than just two books, because, let's be real here, I can't help myself around books. So, I'm going to break this into two parts. First in a few sections: books I've read (or read parts of), new books this year that I can't wait to read, and books I'm going to hopefully attempt this month. And second, two books for each of the Nonfiction November reading prompts: Scholarship, Substance, Love, and Home. The Goodreads page for Nonfiction November is lead by Olive and Gemma. I love Gemma's booktube videos found here. If you're interested in either, I highly recommend you check out the links.

Two non fiction books I've read -

Beyond the Pale
by Emily Urquhart

I read this last year and it was an eye opener. A wonderful, honest thing. I highly recommend it. Whenever it's brought up, I can't stop talking about it.

Landscape Traveled by Coyote and Crane - The World of the Schitsu'umsh (Coeur d'Alene Indians)
by Rodney Frey, in collaboration with The Schitsu'umsh

I've read parts of this in college and a bit last year as well.  It's a great insight into a culture that we don't hear about enough.

Two new non fiction books of 2017 -

Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens
Eddie Izzard

I love Eddie Izzard and have ever since I stumbled upon one of his stand up shows on a BBC channel long ago.  I cannot wait to read this book and honestly don't know why I haven't read it yet.

Doing It! Let's Talk about Sex 
by Hannah Witton

I've come to love Hannah's honesty in her videos on YouTube and cannot wait to see what else she has to say in this book. I also don't have a lot of books about sex or relationships so it's also filling a gap I have on my shelves.

Two non fiction books I'd like to read this November:

Art in the Life of the Northwest Coast Indian - With a Catalog of the Samussen Collection of Northwest Indian Art at the Portland Art Museum
by Erna Gunther

I got this from a second hand store in Southern Arizona and have flicked through it a few times but haven't sat down and just read it. As it's that time of year again when I really start to miss the Pacific Northwest, I think this is an appropriate slice of nostalgia for November.
(This is published by the Portland Art Museum and doesn't have an ISBN, so I linked it to Amazon so you can take a peak at it.)

Ireland 1798 - 1998
by Alvin Jackson

I actually got this book from Myopic Books in Chicago, Illinois almost two years ago now. Over the last few years I've been more and more interested in Ireland and its history, and since our belated honey moon in Dublin, my interest has only grown. 

Nonfiction November Recommendations:


Failure is Impossible: Susan B. Anthony in her own words
by Lynn Sherr

The Life and Times of William Shakespeare
by Peter Levi

Two figures I'd love to know more about, even in a scholarly way.


Vincent by himself 
edited by Bruce Bernard

The Biography of J.R.R. Tolkien
by Daniel Grotta

Two people of substance I cannot get enough of.


The Love You Make: An Insider's Story of the Beatles 
by Peter Brown and Steven Gaines

Modern Romance
by Aziz Ansari

The Beatles and Aziz both talk a lot about love; what's not to love about that.


Art in the Life of the Northwest Coast Indian
Portland Art Museum
by Ema Gunther

The Twilight Years: Paris in the 1930s
by William Wiser

The Pacific Northwest and Paris are two places that will always feel like home to me.

Happy creating, and happy reading!

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